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Friday, October 14, 2005

Kitty, Kitty

While working at one particular site there are alot of stray cats running around and they have alot of kittens. There is one kitten in particular that caught my attention however, it is a really small, white kitten, with big blue eyes. I've been watching it for the last 2 weeks, a couple days ago I tried to catch it, but this little guy was faster that lightning. I saw him again later that day after he ran from me, but I didn't persue him again.

The next day I brought some of my own cat's food with me to feed this scrawny little kitten who didn't seem to have a mother cat to watch over it, it seemed like the kitten was abandoned, out there to fend for itself. The only disappointment I have is that I have not seen the kitten since that day. I don't know if the kitten became scared out of it's mind when I tried to catch it, or something happened to it. It's entirely possible that it just decided not to come back to this spot the last couple days and I will end up seeing it again at a later date. Maybe I was 1 day too late with the food and it starved to death.

I don't know why it's bugged me so much, but the kitten found a soft spot in me. It really makes me sad to see such a small kitten, that most likely someone abandoned, trying to fend for itself, when even nature did not intened for these small feline creatures to fend for themselves at such a young age. Someone setup this kitten for failure and it made me sad and angry to think about that.

It also makes me think about our society and the world that we live in. I looked at it from a couple different points of view. We live in a world full of hurt, pain, unforgiving conditions, and a lack of self control and morality. Also, watching that kitten reminded me of how most of us, as people, truly are.

The world is full of greed, hurt, immortality, and really just pure evil. It is becoming more and more rare to actually find really good, and kind hearted, people. It more common to find people that want to be hurtful and hateful towards others. We live in a society that wants to blame everybody else for their problems and take no responsiblity for their own actions. A people that would rather fight and kill their own country men. A people that would abandon children r kill, rape, molest, even kidnap children. A society that cares about no one else but themselves; somewhere along the line we lost our respect for each other and stopped caring for those around us, it can be seen all over. It's a sad day when we cannot count on being given respect or even courtesy.

I also think about how we are as individuals and how we are alot like the kitten. We often wonder through life, maybe wondering were we came from, or how we came to be in the position we are in life. Sometimes we take time to enojoy the simple pleasures like chasing a butterfly, or rolling around in the grass. We are all so fragile, yet it scares most of us to think about it. Everything around us can be gone in a blink of an eye, and we have no control over it, it's sad to say, but we are all just pawns in the game of fate, much like the small kitten. These are a couple thoughts that ran through my head as I watch this kitten while working.


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